
The Work of Leaders Made Simple: Vision, Alignment, and Execution.

  "Everything DiSC Work of Leaders" is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. or its affiliated companies.

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Everything you need to successfully facilitate Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® sessions.

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Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® Profile focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a group or organization toward desired outcomes.

US $150.00
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The Work of Leaders® Group Report brings together individual data to give participants a composite overview.

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The Work of Leaders® Group Report brings together individual data to give participants a composite overview.

US $150.00
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Everything DiSC® Comparison Reports are follow-up reports that can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences.

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WOL book
The culmination of six years of research and development, The Work of Leaders presents a simple structure that neatly captures the complexity of contemporary leadership.

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